SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦

240p - 2160p [EPORNER]
7K 3600p
If you don't have a VR headset, just watch it using VLC media player. It'll play the video with a click-n-drag interface like the one on youtube 360. But if it doesn't play the video with a click-n-drag interface, inject the video file first with VR metadata using this
- First make sure you have a video player that supports 360 viewing mode. Personally I use VLC for both desktop and mobile
- The un-injected video should look like this
- Open the link then under Assests click on 360.Video.Metadata.Tool.win.zip (or 360.Video.Metadata.Tool.mac.zip if you're on mac) to download
- Open the zip file then open the .exe. It should look like this
- Click open and choose the file you want to inject
- Make sure to check the "My video is spherical (360)" and un-check the other 2. Click inject metadata and choose where you want to put the injected video file (by default it'll save the file in the same directory as the source file and add "_injected" at the end of the filename).
- Click save and then wait until it says "Successfully saved file to..."
- The video should now look like this. You can click-to-drag it around as well
- Hope that helps