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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦

She changed it again


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Garycolemanfan said:

Sexy bubble bath vid????rubbing the loofa on my asshole and kitty ???? for you????????
Twerking grinding in the soapy tub??????

Ya'll like this kind of stuff? You don't see anything. Kinda co fused how people can get off on this...


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
james_91 said:
Ya'll like this kind of stuff? You don't see anything. Kinda co fused how people can get off on this...
Yeah she doesn’t show anything at all. She scams with vocabulary. She had one good picture and if you look closely in her hair it has a nip slip. She possibly was younger, when she was still living in Cali. I’ll try to upload the picture later.


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
PJJP said:
Yeah she doesn’t show anything at all. She scams with vocabulary. She had one good picture and if you look closely in her hair it has a nip slip. She possibly was younger, when she was still living in Cali. I’ll try to upload the picture later.


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
PJJP said:
That's the most she's ever shown huh? Also, I believe she is now using an agency. Been subbed for a short bit and just received I believe, the first "automated" message. Haven't bought any content cause it's basically the same.


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
james_91 said:
That's the most she's ever shown huh? Also, I believe she is now using an agency. Been subbed for a short bit and just received I believe, the first "automated" message. Haven't bought any content cause it's basically the same.
Yeah and that was 2020 lol


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦

fire sirriani immediately


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦

Think these are in her old place? Not sure. So I've followed for a few months and everything is basically like above. No nudes. Almost never see through. And the vids are 90% like that. No talking either. Also, the messages sent out are an agency. I believe she made the swap shortly after I subbed. So you're not talking to her even if you tip, not sure if you guys care about that. Anyway I had an epiphany as to why I am throwing money at stuff like this all of a sudden lmao. Ya know, when you realize you're throwing $ at something that isn't a "skill" or "talent" if you know what I mean. Just sorta hit me like, you're a fucking idiot, LOL. Especially when it's not the real person and is basically pg-13.


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
james_91 said:

Think these are in her old place? Not sure. So I've followed for a few months and everything is basically like above. No nudes. Almost never see through. And the vids are 90% like that. No talking either. Also, the messages sent out are an agency. I believe she made the swap shortly after I subbed. So you're not talking to her even if you tip, not sure if you guys care about that. Anyway I had an epiphany as to why I am throwing money at stuff like this all of a sudden lmao. Ya know, when you realize you're throwing $ at something that isn't a "skill" or "talent" if you know what I mean. Just sorta hit me like, you're a fucking idiot, LOL. Especially when it's not the real person and is basically pg-13.
Yes it’s her old place lol. Her being on 24/7 isn’t her btw. It’s most definitely a chat ai bot agency thingy. Like even right now when she messages a mirror pic, you can tell it’s not her because how could she have multiple iPhones, as right now she has a 15 series that’s blue but yet again she also has another phone (possibly given by her agency, a 15 pro) so those are the most recent pics. It’s just strange since she has her messages open now to past subs and I find them annoying since I know she’s not in control.

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