Tiana Basden tbasxo


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
on the free OF page, there's a trick to figuring out which videos are in a ppv bundle even though there are no previews. going by the video lengths, you'll see that a bunch of the same videos get recycled across posts even though the descriptions are different. anyone know if the paid tbasxo account is better and has previews?

1. find the date of the post you're interested in
2. click on the MEDIA tab (beneath the SUBSCRIPTION box, next to the POSTS tab)
3. click on the Video button
4. click on the Sort button (three lines) -> click Go to date -> select the date of the post -> click OK ... may have to do this twice due to a bug
5. count the number of videos until you get to the videos in your post, e.g. if you're interested in the third post containing 3 videos, and the first two posts contain 2 videos each, then you're interested in videos 5, 6, and 7
6. click on the Compact view button (a little window icon left of the Sort button)
7. in the grid, count until you get to your videos of interest, e.g. the 5th, 6th, and 7th



SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
credit to gbjedi elsewhere. my mega quota is exceeded, can someone transfer to bunkr? also is it better or cheaper to subscribe to frankofuks vs. tbasxo? there's no coomer


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Can delete if this doesn't belong, but to answer your question I've been pretty happy with her free page. She regularly sends out sex/solo ppv on sale for 15-20 bucks in the DMs