Rosé Roseanne Park - BLKPIK ( BLACKPINK )


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé arriving to her listening party / photo cards of her for the listening party

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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé for I-D Magazine

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Rosé for JTBC Newsroom

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translation: Hello test takers, this is ROSÉ. You worked so hard taking the CSATs. My song, APT, was a banned song for test takers so you probably couldn’t hear it much but you can listen to it as much as you want now, congrats, See you soon on JTBC’s Newsroom~ Bye


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé for i-D Magazine

i-D: Rosé answers questions | i-D Asks (1080p Quality)
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Rosé for Puma

New Instagram Post!


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé greeting fans before recording "The Seasons: Lee Youngji's Rainbow"

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New Instagram Story!

New TikTok Video!
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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé leaving for Osaka, Japan via Airport

Rosé leaving for Osaka, Japan via Airport on the afternoon of the 20th to attend the '2024 MAMA AWARDS' (4K Quality)
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New Instagram Story!


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
photos of Rosé for her 'number one girl' single

Rosé in her 'number one girl' music video



SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
New Instagram Post!

Rosé at the MAMA Awards

Rosé for The New York Times

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New TikTok Video!

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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé for her Rosie album

Rosé with her friends recently


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé meeting the meovv artists in meovv's new TikTok!

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SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
NoneRosé x PUMA SPEEDCAT shoot BTS?#-rosé-x-puma-speedcat-shoot-bts



SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Sneak peak of Therapuss session 46 with Rosé which comes out tomorrow on November 27th at 7 PM PST / 10 PM EST


SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
Rosé for Puma Speedcat, this time in 1080p Quality!



SimpCity Fapper 🐸💦
High Quality (4K) pictures of Rosé in session 46 of Therapuss with Jake Shane

Rosé via Jake Shane's Instagram Post/TikTok Video!