"hello all! how was your week?
i'm happy today because i finally caved and replaced my super old vaccuum with a new one. my previous one was one that i've had since before 2020 and just this year it started making a weird rattle noise whenever i used it and the battery life just didn't last anymore so i ended up getting a new dyson vacuum. the one with the laser on it AND LET ME TELL YOU.
the best adult purchase i've ever made. the laser attachment made me see how much dust and pet hair i had everywhere on the floor and HOLY FUCK. i vacuum weekly because of the pet hair build up and i knew that there was pet hair everywhere but the amounts i saw while using the laser attachment was SHOCKING.
anyways, i've been deep cleaning this week and also finishing up my Halloween photo sets which i'm excited for you all to see
happy friday - xoxo"
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