HaileeandKendra - Hailee Kendra


SimpCity Fapper πŸΈπŸ’¦
YT Vids - Kendra's Ass Post #1

Been through all their YT vids and kept only parts where we see Kendra's ass (and Kendra's tongue)
Pics are just caps of vids. Vids may contain added slow-mo (vids 3 and 4) and multiple moments (vids 4, 5 and 6)
Post in chrological order

Hope you'll like it, next post will be Kendra's tongue


SimpCity Fapper πŸΈπŸ’¦
Some stuff from 2023/24 (some pics are from fanfix, vid is an IG's story).



SimpCity Fapper πŸΈπŸ’¦
YT Vids - Kendra's Tongue Post #1

Kendra's tongue through their YT vids in chronological order since beginning.
Vids 1, 3, 5 contains multiples moments. Vids 2, 4 one moment (Kendra licking Hailee's lips, Kendra tongue out for 5s). Vid 6 is a comp of 1st eating spicy stuff vid (the two sequels are far better..). Lots of slowmo but unfortunately capcut went pro on smooth slowmo :SadgeCry:



SimpCity Fapper πŸΈπŸ’¦
They now have a passes



SimpCity Fapper πŸΈπŸ’¦
Made a discussion thread in case anyone purchases it and wants to share if its worth it for the messaging as well